Invitation to Participate in a Bamboo Practical Training Workshop in Ethiopia

July 23, 2008 at 4:19 pm

Dear Sir/Madame,

Subject: Invitation to Participate in a Bamboo Practical Training Workshop in Ethiopia

The Eastern Africa Bamboo Project (EABP*) is a regional project covering Ethiopia and Kenya, executed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), funded by Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), and implemented in Ethiopia by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MoARD) and Federal Micro and Small Enterprises Development Agency (FeMSEDA) under the supervision of International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR).

EABP envisages organizing a one-week intensive bamboo practical training workshop on the premises of East Africa Bamboo Training and Demonstration Center (EABTDC), in FeMSEDA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from August 28th –September 3rd 2008. The training workshop will focus on

Modern bamboo furniture making (value added products) including Bamboo preservation techniques.

The workshop will be led by a team of international as well as local experts actively engaged in bamboo processing and it will make use of the latest high tech bamboo processing machinery introduced in the country through the project. The training, in fact, is the first of its kind to ever take place in the Region.

EABP encourages participants from East African countries to take this opportunity to be involved in the project’s capacity building scheme.


Please be aware that:
• No training fee will be charged
• All other expenses (air fare, accommodation, DSA (per-diem), etc) are to be covered by the participant.
• EABP will avail low accommodation packages and provide any other technical assistance as required.

Interested participants are kindly requested to fill in the attached form and send it by e-mail: , or can use the following addresses:
National Project Coordinator, Mr. Melaku Tadesse
P.O. Box 26589/1000, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: (+251–1) – 5544587/88, 251 911 655976,
Fax: (+251-1)-5544589

Processing of applications will be closed five days prior to the starting date of the training workshop (i.e. August 23rd 2008).

I hope to welcome you at the training workshop.

Best regards,

Melaku Tadesse


 Highlights on East Africa Bamboo Training and Demonstration Center (EABTDC), in FeMSEDA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

– FeMSEDA – A pioneer on bamboo in Africa for the last twenty years
– Only bamboo training center in the country
– Provided trainings to more than 500 people on bamboo processing and propagation all over bamboo growing areas in Ethiopia
– Provided ToT for a number of rural and urban entrepreneurs from all bamboo growing and potential regional states
– Due to EABP’s intervention, FeMSEDA is now upgraded in technical skills, design capacity, processing technology & product marketing. The bamboo center in FeMSEDA (EABTDC) is equipped with state-of-the-art bamboo equipment and heavy bamboo processing machineries.


The latest high tech bamboo processing machinery at EABTDC, in FeMSEDA

The latest high tech bamboo processing machinery at EABTDC, in FeMSEDA

Bamboo Furniture produced at Debrework-Workshop,
EABP-Entrepreneur located near Atlas Hotel-Addis Ababa
If you are interested, EABP encourages you to fill and send the application letter below in time to be involved in the project’s capacity building scheme.



Bamboo Practical Training Workshop
August 28th –September 3rd 2008


1. Contact Information

First Name ________________________ Surname ________________________

Gender ________________
Passport Number: ________________
Age ___________________ Passport Type: ___________________
Country of Nationality _______________________ Date of Issue: ____________________
Country of Residence _______________________ Date of Expiry: ____________________
Professional Occupation ____________________
Organization of Employ _____________________

Postal Code ________________________ Telephone ___________________________

Fax ________________________________ E-mail ______________________________

2. Purpose of joining the training workshop:

1. List any experience in the field of bamboo.
2. Please state your expectations and reasons for participating in this training workshop.


Innovative designs for bamboo furniture - Adal Industrial P.L.C. in Ethiopia

Entry filed under: Bamboo News, Training.

Bamboo – The Millennium Grass of Ethiopia Ethiopian Bamboos are Best for High Value Industrial Products